• 1-604-276-9044
  • 915 Cliveden Avenue, Delta, BC, V3M 5R6
  • info@sandhartrucking.com

Top 5 freight packing tips for stress-free LTL shipping from Vancouver’s leading trucking and warehousing! 

Top 5 freight packing tips from Vancouver’s leader in trucking and warehousing for stress-free LTL shipping!

Packing and preparing your goods is just as important as all the other steps involved in LTL freight shipping. Proper packaging is the key to getting your shipment delivered on time and in one piece. Avoid costly delays, repairs, and replacements with our freight packing tips! 

1) Identify Fragile Items

Fragile items need extra TLC and adequate internal packaging can help keep these items safe. Start by wrapping your goods in bubble wrap or foam padding followed by additional cushioning or fill around the item within the box. Crating is also a great option for securing breakable items. Crates should be packed as full as possible in order to prevent the movement of goods inside while in transit. 

2) Proper Palletizing

A solid foundation goes a long way in any circumstance. Choose high-quality, four-way pallets that are made of wood. 

3) Stack it Right

Building a strong shipment boils down to stacking your boxes correctly. Boxes that are stacked on top of each other in a column pattern (corner to corner) retain the greatest stacking strength. Never stack boxes over the edge of the pallet. Overhangs and interlocking patterns decrease your cargo’s compression strength, security, and protection.

Corrugated cardboard is a great protective material to use in LTL freight shipping due to its durability and strength. Place a layer between the pallet and the freight, the middle layers, and on top.

  • Helps stabilize the freight and avoids shifting
  • Absorbs vibrations, protects against moisture, and provides additional structural support

4) Label Accurately

Every shipment should be accurately and securely labeled before pick up. Proper labeling helps everything run smoothly. Precautionary labels that indicate special handling or storage requirements should also be applied when applicable. 

5) Secure the Freight

Edge Boards

Edge boards are angled pieces of material fitted at the edge of boxes or crates to prevent possible damage caused by pressure from bands and external impacts. 

  • Enhances the integrity of the stacked columns
  • Reduces damage at the corners
  • Increases compression strength


Bands are typically fastened tightly around edge boards and threaded under the pallet’s top deck boards. 

  • Helps keep loose shipments together
  • Prevents the material on the pallet from shifting

Shrink wrap 

Shrink wrap helps keep your freight together and provides additional protection from external elements during all phases of transit. Begin wrapping your freight from the bottom of the pallet and continue upwards towards the top. Double wrapping in the opposite direction also provides additional protection when needed. When in doubt, more layers are better.

  • Provides protection against weather damage and fluctuations in temperature
  • Helps freight stay anchored to its pallet 
  • Secures loose packages

Pack it once and pack it right! Eliminate unnecessary costs and delays by properly preparing your freight. As a leader in trucking and warehousing in Vancouver, BC, helping our customers stay informed and transporting their goods on time is our top priority. If you have any questions, contact us today at (604)-276-9044 or info@sandhartrucking.com. Our full fleet of 250 trailers, vast range of trucks, and newly expanded 100,000-square-foot facility is here to serve you!